Meet Jasper

8-year-old Jasper loves playing Minecraft and being a big brother, and he has big dreams of building spacecrafts when he grows up!

In May 2023, alarm bells first sounded for Jasper’s parents when they noticed swelling in his lymph nodes.

They watched him closely and brought him to and from appointments, but things only continued to get worse.

His lymph nodes continued to grow. Jasper’s 8th birthday came and went, and his family were still left without answers.

Then, in late June, Jasper began to experience shortness of breath and was rushed to the local emergency room.

The next day, his pediatrician called and urged the family to go to SickKids.

An ultrasound and blood work followed, and then came the diagnosis… Jasper had acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Just after his 8th birthday, he was admitted to SickKids and spent two weeks in the hospital to start his treatment. Since then, he returns weekly for outpatient visits, regular lumbar punctures, chemotherapy, and bloodwork.

Throughout this time, his brothers Felix and Milo have been by his side every step of the way, providing support and friendship.

Unwavering support from family and friends has made all the difference in helping Jasper’s family navigate their new normal.

His classmates have also shown support for his cancer journey, dedicating various fundraising efforts to him.

Today, Jasper is doing well with his treatment. He has made many friends in hospital among the nurses and doctors, who adore him for his good humour and general charm.

In the future, Jasper wants to own a cat and continue to live with his brothers. For now, he’s focused on kicking cancer’s butt – with a side of Minecraft playing and Lego masterpiece creating.

This is one super cool kid. Jasper, thousands of GCCers are riding for YOU this August!